Thursday, August 5, 2010

Synapses! 1.. 2.. 3.. Fire at will, at confusing impossible speeds throwing intention and consequence about like so much rice at some wedding of maths and word.
Intention, clear or otherwise, and it is incredibly important to comprehend fully, Intention, fully formed, wether as a dream, a hope, a spell, a wish , a collective unconsciounce agreement, chaos thrown.. whatever form. WILL MANIFEST IN THREE DIMENSIONS. This is not, bollox, hippy shit, crap, lies etc, but i think maybe you, have felt this before, seen it happen. Maybe even conciously chose an intention and activated it. To recap on the news of the Aeon.
Usually near 'the intenders' *laughs, ahem. Sorry* immediate vicinity. No Really, I mean it... How exciting are we!
Now, we know we can, what do we decide to do with this, power, 'cause that is what it is. You/we/i could do nought, everything would stay just the way it is... except that it's already that way and it's still because of intention. Besides, when the people with money are misrepresented in terms of options for them that the poor (us) can't have, they build places to enjoy feeling that difference. We could change that illusion...?
Enough food for all, oh. Wait.
Did I mention that while these intentions manifest it is handy to forget about the intention by focusing on good old fashioned physical ways of gettin' stuff? Well, It is. For Example, If your current or active intention is to have a car` and drive about in it ( Remember Specifics), then getting your licence would be a Majik actin terms of manifestation. In otherwords if you want your licence,go get lessons , learn to drive etc, meanwhile back out in the universe the intention is gathering energy enough to put good feelings and other bells and whistles on your acheivement and its consequence...
On Consequence.
Do Not Embark on a working if you are not ready to 'own your shit', in fact if that is the case, turn back now. Everything you do, or manifest, regardless of your motivation will have a direct , intense, unpredictable and amazing :) consequence. These are the doors between the rooms. The 'real days' if you like. The time in between the times on are the times on. I digress. Remember, You are resposible for your actions and by their consequence also bound to duty.

I hope you got something from my rambling and am willing to discuss or explain any of the stuff written in this piece with you. These are my beleifs and i have arrived at these conclusion by 'scientific method' All in good spirit anyway. Peace, hope to hear from you, as you will me.

a.k.a Dr P.K.Tygs

p.s Matty, I'm doing it!

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